Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Weekend Update!

(hehe I took the name from Saturday Night Live)

Yesterday, we woke up to rain. Kinda dampened our plans to go to the "Art in the Park" in Plymouth, so we opted to take the kids to Great Lakes Crossings. We were thinking this would be a good idea. Turned out to be a disaster. One of our 3 children decided to be in a cranky mood and totally ruin the whole experience for the other 2 children and us. So we decided to just leave and go home.
After we got home, I ended up going out to find a video game and then surprised Kevin by stopping by the fish store and getting him a new coral for his tank.
We ended up just hanging around the house and playing video games.

This morning, Kevin surprised me. He woke up in time to go to church and then when it came for me to get ready and I asked him "Do you wanna go?" he said...YES!
So we went to ROC in Northville today. We had been there before. And we liked it. So today, was like a confirmation on what church to attend. We have decided to attend ROC on a regular basis. It has taken quite a bit of time for us to really accept this church, but we really do feel it will fit all our needs. Like, some of the things that would make me not want to attend has changed since our last visit! So, there ya go! It is not like we are going to jump into membership or helping out yet. We have just found a church that might work!