Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Moments

The Moments

Every moment that goes by,
I reflect and wonder why.

How can they grow so fast?
How long will this stage last?

While my boys are still small,
and play with toys in the hall.

I know one day it will end,
and I may not be a friend.

To my Bubba, my First and Last,
for they are growing up so fast.

I will miss this precious day,
Of watching the way my boys play.

Imagination, Cars, and Tag,
Pillow and couch games are just a fad.

I spend too much time try to take it all in,
And awaiting the next stage to begin.

Will they still treasure a waking day?
Or still get excited about a new game to play?

Will they just live a life of worry?
Or go brushing off in a hurry?

Will they forget there Mom and Dad?
Or will they remember all the fun we have had?

I know I will miss these days,
These beauiful , loving, and precious days.