Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vaction Bible School

Since I have cancelled all my accounts to my online groups, I will be updated my VBS here.
I will be just, I don't know, expressing things about it here. Not always negivive lol, but just what I have been up to.

Today, I am starting on getting the budget set up. This is what I feel is the toughest part of the whole thing. It is hard to break everything down piece by piece and write it down.

So I called the Observer newspaper today to get the information about putting an ad into there paper for part of our outreach this year.
That will cost somewhere close to $100-$125 to have an ad ran in the county of Wayne for 4 weeks. I am sitting back and praying about this one. That is alot out of the budget for it and I don't know if we can pull it off. It may be one of those things that may be added into the picture of we raise enought money with the fundraising.

The fundraising, I am excited about. After talking with Pastor, we have a few ideas to raise money. One being a pop can drive. If everyone does do it, we will be able to raise alot of money that way. Another one is a bake sale, and I do need to get permission on when to have it, but I was thinking that maybe Easter Sunday....don't know if that would be ok or not, but there will be alot of people at church that day and maybe be able to raise more money than any other day.
Oh and we are doing a rummage sale too! I have to get moving on these though if I want them to happen. The rummage sale is already planned to be the Saturday before Memorial day weekend. I think it is May 19th (my dad's bday) I am hoping it is a success!

Well, more updates will follow as I get more into this VBS!